'The 321 backup rule is outdated.'
That's what some people think, judging from resources often found online.
In fact 'only 20 percent of successful IT managers apply backup best practices,' says HelpnetSecurity.
It's true. To date, 6 out of 10 enterprises in
Cinquanta aziende provenienti da tutto il territorio italiano e da svariati settori - servizi, ICT e tecnologia, industria, meccanica di precisione, consulenza, cooperative e consorzi, PA, agroalimentare e FMCG - hanno aderito al programma della startup bolognese membro di GaiaX.
Prende così vita, a partire dall’Italia,di cloud storage
Wouter is a patent attorney, formerly at Nokia. After the WeTransfer security flaw, he switched to Cubbit for a file backup with end to end encryption.
Bologna, 10 gennaio 2022 - E’ partito l'1 ottobre il progetto Cubbit Private Network che ha come obiettivo quello di fornire una soluzione cloud storage on-premises per PMI, Aziende e Pubbliche Amministrazioni (inclusi Centri di Ricerca, Università e settore Sanitario) mantenendo la sovranità del dato senza rinunciare alle
Intervistiamo Daniele Righi, Chief Innovation & Business Development Officer di Linkem - riguardo alla sperimentazione Linkem & Cubbit per un nuovo paradigma di cloud distribuito.
Ransomware up by 700%. 155M people affected by leaks. 36Bn record exposed. This was 2020 in a nutshell - learn why zero-knowledge cloud storage saves you.
36bn leaks, ransom spiked by 700%: 2020 was the year of cyber thieves. For Cybersecurity Month, cloud storage privacy & security expert Dejan shares 4 tips.
BNA is a law firm looking for a secure way to connect and collaborate while working remotely. In this cloud security case study they discover how to do it.