Imagine working as a sound designer, composing music every day for big brands like Adidas and RedBull. It sounds like a dream, isn’t it? - This is the life of Max M. Svendsen, a young italian man living now in Berlin, a heaven for music start-ups like SoundCloud, Native Instruments and Ableton.
Working for such big projects also means coping with stressful times: “I always go through very tight deadlines, some clients send me the brief and after 2-3 days I have to submit the complete project.“. Think now if, one day, the cloud storage where you store your work, fruit of sweaty weeks, falls victim to a general hack: your stuff becomes public domain and the value shall be zeroed, this verifies just in a matter of seconds. We are talking about doomsday scenarios, but you have to avoid the risk.
In this case study, we will see what’s the best way to store music digitally in order to reach peace of mind and enjoy this dream life.
An italian composer in Berlin: the rise of MM Svendsen

Italian from Danish father, Max lived his childhood in Urbino, Italy where he started playing guitar at the age of 12, discovering a brave new world made of the power of music. During a university exchange program in Berlin he launched his first audio branding project, and since that day he has never left the German capital.
Differently from what you might think, Max doesn’t identify himself as the "crazy musician", what he chases instead is a “passion-professionalism balance” - a distinctive attribute that drove him towards success in his creative job.
“My main aim is to always reach the clients’ goal, until the desired result is achieved I never stop. I pursue the customers’ vision in every way. I have a lot of commitment on the single project, before the first call I make research about the clients, I prepare questions that will help me get a better understanding of their goals, struggles and mission. That way they can feel that I take them seriously, that they can trust me and that I take great care of their baby."
How to choose the right cloud storage to secure your music? A way through the security nuances
It was the over-concern on the protection of that “unique baby”, son of a compulsive search for artistic perfection that made Max uncomfortably experiencing his career steps. To safeguard his musical dream he projected himself in the search for the best way to store music digitally.

“I'm in several Facebook groups with various composers and I’ve noticed that most of the people don’t really think about this topic: everyone is using Google Drive to store music pieces that are not published yet.”
Max’s inner-professionalism pushed him instead to consider it as his duty to take care of commissioned works. - “What happens on the clients’ side is not my concern, but I must store data safely. I want to have peace of mind that these files will get to the recipient in complete security. In my line of work you often have to sign NDAs, therefore it’s paramount, in my opinion, to cover all the bases when it comes to security when sharing and storing files”.
Along his life-journey, Max tried different cloud services to store his digital music. Some professional softwares needed cumbersome processes to encrypt the information (i.e. pCloud), while cloud storage for music (+ OneDrive) were not reliably encrypted. The most private data was stored on a software that gave him little, basic space in exchange for a very high price (i.e. Tresorit). Being Max a professional artist he was not only searching for the best cloud storage to store his music, but also something that was elegant on a User Interface level. To communicate professionalism and to deliver the right message: because of these facts two popular solutions (i.e. MEGA and SpiderOak) were discarded.
One day, while he was surfing the internet, something happened.
Cubbit network: the best way to store music digitally
“When I first saw Cubbit’s security system, it caught my attention”
Whenever a file is uploaded on Cubbit, it is encrypted, split into redundant chunks, and distributed across its unique zero-knowledge p2p network. - “It is a fresh approach, appealing and I had also seen that the “Cubbit cells” Kickstarter campaign was successful. The company was to be taken seriously.”
But this is not only about “complete security”, a concept that we often associate with the image of a fortress or strongbox. In fact, while files are stored in a network “where not even the service provider can access them”, Cubbit reimagines the collaboration game, making it super-easy and therefore becoming the best way to store music digitally.
Those are the key benefits experienced by MM Svendsen:
- Easily collaborate and add people intuitively: this means working in an orderly way, also with external collaborators. “If I have a periodic collaboration I'll make an account for my temporary colleague on the fly, or I'll manage a contributor account and take care of it. This will be done in an easy way without having to touch the complex levels of e-bureaucracy.”.
- Sharing: with Cubbit Private Links you can send files in a secure way, by choosing the authorization accesses and by owning a password. “If there is a project for a specific client, I can send him a link on one channel, the password on the other and I feel safe.”
- An aesthetically pleasant user interface.
Last but not least, Cubbit is a young, open team. “A business done by humans, tangible with a concrete plan of the features you do and will do, I like that.”.
Being a young team also means looking long-term and knowing how the tech world works.
Those are the reasons why I think Cubbit is the definite solution when coming to finding the best way to store music and work on it.”
Do you agree with Max? You can try Cubbit for free for 30 days — no credit card required!
- Mainstream cloud storages on the market do not provide real security.
- Sharing private projects (not yet protected by intellectual property rights) with collaborators.
- Accessible at reasonable prices.
- Clean and aesthetically elegant user-interface to send projects to customers.
- Friendly customer service.
- The first cloud storage to provide 3 layers of security.
- With Cubbit Private Links files are sent in a secure way, even with externals.
- From €6/month, while zero-knowledge encrypted competitors start from the double.
- UI is simple, intuitive and aesthetically pleasant.
- A business done by humans, that follows you step-by-step.