System Integrator Eurosystem SpA selects Cubbit’s sovereign, geo-distributed cloud to achieve data resilience, increasing storage services revenue by 580%

Cubbit DS3 allows Italian-based Eurosystem SpA to offer an S3 cloud object storage with GDPR compliance and unprecedented resilience, and generate new revenue streams.

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Bologna, Italy — 15 October 2024Cubbit, the first geo-distributed cloud storage enabler, today announced that Eurosystem SpA, an Italian-based system integrator with more than 40 years of experience in the IT industry, has achieved a 580% increase in storage services revenue and aims to manage one Petabyte of its customers' data by the end of 2025, thanks to Cubbit’s fully-managed cloud object storage DS3. The company can now generate new revenue streams by winning in strategic, vertical markets, and increase its customers' loyalty by offering S3 cloud object storage with unparalleled data sovereignty specifications, cost-effectiveness, and data resilience, regardless of geographical location. 

Leveraging 40+ years of expertise in technology solutions and cyber security, Eurosystem SpA supports more than 800 business customers in Italy, with a primary focus on the northern region with customised implementations, training, and ongoing support. The company addresses vertical markets and industries that require advanced security and cost-effective data storage, including manufacturing, sports, telco, and media. 

With cyber-threats, such as ransomware attacks growing in sophistication and targeting both client-side and server-side vulnerabilities with unprecedented precision, Eurosystem SpA was searching for an immutable storage solution to protect its customers' data. Veeam compatibility was a requirement as most of Eurosystem’s customers rely on this backup client. 

The company had considered various popular S3 cloud and on-prem storage solutions over the years. The former was easy to deploy and operate. Yet, a suitable level of guarantee was not provided in terms of security, compliance with data location regulations, and cost predictability with egress, deletion, and bucket replication fees. While on-prem storage solutions offered sovereignty and compliance but came with numerous drawbacks, such as a high upfront costs for hardware, licences, physical rooms, and dedicated IT personnel to deploy, install, and maintain the solution. In addition, with on-prem storage solutions, scaling capacity had to be carried out manually and was time consuming. Finally, the time and money investment to set up redundancy over multiple nodes manually was greater with other solutions. 

Since the adoption of Cubbit’s technology, Eurosystem SpA has reaped the benefits of traditional cloud services and on-premises solutions while mitigating the associated challenges. With Cubbit DS3, fixed storage costs include all the main S3 APIs, together with the geo-distribution capacity, while providing a cloud storage solution with up to 15 9s of data durability. Thanks to Cubbit’s geo-distributed technology, Eurosystem not only protects data client-side (object Lock, versioning, IAM policy), but also server-side (geo-distribution, encryption). 

By leveraging Cubbit's GDPR compliance and geo-fencing capabilities, Eurosystem SpA can now comply with regional regulations and stringent laws impacting the industries in which its customers operate, enabling the System Integrator to create new revenue streams — benefits that are usually associated with on-prem solutions. With the Cubbit deployment, storage capacity scale, and maintenance is automatically managed in minutes with no need for upfront investments or IT staff.  

Nicola Bosello, Board Member and Sales Director of Eurosystem, said, “We searched for a long time for an immutable, off-site S3 storage solution that didn’t come with an expensive and complex infrastructure setup, and was compliant with key requirements like GDPR. We have been offering Cubbit to our customers for a year now, receiving positive feedback for Cubbit’s DS3 data localisation regulations and compliance capabilities within Europe, as well as its flexibility, speed of deployment, the ease of scaling storage space in a few hours, and the attractive pricing without hidden costs. Thanks to Cubbit, we’ve already won new customers and increased loyalty by significantly increasing the degree of cyber-resilience in our portfolio”

Alessandro Cillario,  Co-CEO and Co-founder of Cubbit, said, “Enterprises worldwide are grappling with the daunting challenge of managing the explosive growth of unstructured data. They need a solution that allows them to seamlessly implement a custom IT infrastructure strategy,  while maintaining full control over their data. European organisations, in particular, are facing a host of challenges, from cyber-threats and data sovereignty issues to unpredictable costs. Eurosystem, with Cubbit as a true obstacle remover, can now offer their customers a level of cyber-resilience, sovereignty, and cost-efficiency that was never possible before. We're excited to have such a strong partner to help promote our solutions.”

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About Cubbit

Cubbit is the first geo-distributed cloud storage enabler. Its groundbreaking software allows service providers and enterprises to deploy their own geo-distributed cloud storage networks in minutes according to their infrastructure strategy and internal policies, so that they can keep full sovereignty over data, simplify workflows and reduce costs.

Today, Cubbit’s hyper-resilient and cybersecure technology is adopted by 400+ European companies and partners, including Leonardo (world leader in defence and cybersecurity with $14B in revenues), and serviced by Exclusive Networks (global distributor, listed on the Paris Stock Exchange). Cubbit is also supported by international tech partners such as HPE and Equinix. For more information, visit:  

About Eurosystem SpA

Eurosystem SpA is an Italian-based company specialising in ICT solutions for SMEs. In 2022, Eurosystem became part of the international Smart4Engineering Group, one of the European leaders in the digital transformation market with 3,500 professionals, €300 million in consolidated assets, and investments in Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain.

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